Growth more widespread in Rutherford, Williamson counties
By Hollie Deese, Nashville Ledger • Condensed By Jay Cash
“Most people know that the Nashville area is growing, but probably fewer realize how patchy that growth is,” says Ken Blake, a data journalism professor in MTSU’s School of Journalism and Strategic Media, who produced the analysis using figures released in December by the U.S. Census bureau’s American Community Survey.
“Tract-level growth patterns matter, though, because they can end up influencing things like where local governments decide to build new roads or add new schools,” Blake adds. “They also can show where tree canopies and green spaces are disappearing, and they can hint at which areas might grow next.”
Blake says Rutherford and Williamson counties, which posted the next two largest population gains in the state, grew more uniformly, adding 37,721 and 29,713 residents, respectively. Almost half of Rutherford’s 49 tracts saw significant growth, most in the county’s western half. Growth was more evenly distributed in Williamson, where 57% of the county’s 37 tracts showed significant growth.

David McGowan with Regent Homes says “In Williamson County, a 2,500-square-foot house, the fees from the government probably run between $35,000 and $45,000. And then the land cost is $125,000 to $150,000 a lot. Well, you imagine you can’t do that in Williamson County.” But in Maury County and Rutherford County that is still possible.