Jay Cash places 1st Runner Up in the IAC
Jay Cash showed off his top-flight auction talent recently by finishing second among 39 male competitors at the 2022 National Auctioneers Association International Auctioneer Championship.
Cash has made the finals 3 out of 4 years of competing at the national level placing as high as 3rd in 2018. Cash joined auction professionals from across the world (including TN Auctioneers Association Vice President Shane McCarrell who also placed in the Top Ten) on Friday, July 29th, in San Diego, California at the 73rd National Auctioneers Association Conference and Show.
The top places finishers in both mens and women's division:
Jerick Miller, Champion; Jay Cash, first runner up; David Whitaker, second runner up
Chantel Kimball, Champion; Yve Rojas, first runner up; Angie Meier, second runner up
IAC competitors are judged on their presentation, chant, voice timbre, body language, and other performance elements of effective auctioneering. Finals participants are also judged on their answers of interview questions. The competition was held in a single day, in front of approximately 500 live attendees, with tens of thousands of observers catching part of the NAA IAC Live! webcast through Facebook and YouTube with over 10,000 views.
You can rewatch the program which has over 10,000 views here: https://youtu.be/c5KZvf6wcPY
